BRAC Artists: Why I Teach / Volume 2
The Bronx River Art Center is excited to present the third iteration of our Virtual Interactive Exhibition BRAC Artists: Why I Teach / Volume 2
To view the Virtual Exhibition, simply click any of the artists' photos below. To virtually visit 11 of the Artists' studios and learn more about their practice, please CLICK HERE.
BRAC Artists: Why I Teach/Volume 2@@yfWA9
We also plan to mount a live exhibition of our teachers' works in our gallery this summer, once we are able to re-open again by order of Governor Cuomo. In the meantime, we invite you to enjoy the range of media and expressions our Teaching Artists employ, and to share an experience you may have had of your interactions with BRAC, or an idea we might consider for BRAC in the future. Go to the Talk to the Artist section on each of the artist's pages to ask questions of the artists!