Project 59 Dinner
Cooked from recipes on pages #59 of various cookbooks & magazines.
February 29th, 2020 at the Art Gallery of The Bronx River Art Center, 1087 E Tremont Ave, The Bronx, NY. Dinner 59 (47) was one of the special events at the exhibition Celebrating 25 Years of Project 59: A Retrospective of Ukrainian-American Artist Irina Danilova.
Cooks: Irina Danilova and Hiram Levy along with Potluck Dishes from Michele Brody, Lisa Hein, Natasha Kurchanova, Gail Nathan, and Mike Childs, 59 wine provided by Benton C. Bainbridge and $5.99 wine by Olga Kondur.
Participants: Benton C. Bainbridge, Beate Hein Bennett, Michele Brody, Liliana Candelario, Hector Canlonge, Mike Childs, Irina Danilova, Alexandra Dementieva, Dasha Filippova, Olga Gershenson, Chuxi Guo, Lisa Hein, Ed Herman, Olga Kondur, Natasha Kurchanova, Gail Nathan, Aaron Ring, Bob Seng, Pat Shuloliner, Amy Sinclair, Ron Weinstock, Chrissy Word and Ryan, Moshe Yassur.
Menu: Portobello Mushroom Salad, Two-Potato Bisque, Cheese-Macaroni Asparagus Bake, Potato-Carrot Muffins, Bermuda Bean Salad, Black Bean Salad, Sandwiches on Butter Fried Bread, Mushroom Noodle Casswerole, Best Sugar Cookies Ever, Cookie Medals, Fancy Sheet Cake.